Sports, exercise and health science (SEHS) is an experimental science that combines academic study with practical and investigative skills. It incorporates the traditional disciplines of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, psychology and nutrition, which are studied in the context of sports, exercise and health. You will study a range of core and option topics and carry out practical (experimental) investigations in both laboratory and field settings. This will provide an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and understanding necessary to apply scientific principles and critically analyse human performance. If you are taking the course as an IB student you can choose to study the course at standard (SL) or higher level (HL). FAQ's
Q - Can I take the course on the High School programme? A - Yes, absolutely. Q - Do you get assessed in your practical ability in sports like the IGCSE/Gr9&10 Physical Education course? A - No, there is no practical assessment of your performance. We will have practical sessions but these will focus on the collection of data to investigate topics we are studying. Q - If I am on the IB programme what group does the course fall into? A - As an IB student SEHS counts as a group 4 science course. Q - What kind of university courses will this help prepare me for? A - We have had students go on to study many different courses at university level. Some closely linked to sport for example physiology, physiotherapy and sports psychology. Other students have chosen to access completely unrelated courses.