This brilliant project has been set up by a former CDL student to help support people with disabilities.
Let's get our amazing CDL spirit behind this project! You will win a real medal for this one - guaranteed! This month it's the 1st UR World Virtual Championship, an extra special race that puts your competitive spirit on a pedestal! You will be able to compete alone or in team, in more categories than ever. An international classification will be established and you will be able to compete by:
Click here to directly access the sign up page.
This brilliant project has been set up by a former CDL student to help support people with disabilities. Let's get our amazing CDL spirit behind this project! You will win a real medal for this one - guaranteed! This month it's the Matterhorn Race, climb your summit by choosing your distance (5km, 10km, 21km & 42,195km). Click the picture to read more and sign up. If you are a student you will need your parents permissions and help with this bit as you will need to pay the money to the charity. Click here to directly access the sign up page. Congratulations to Coach Pierre who got his medal and 10k winners t-shirt last month, and to Mr V. who managed to complete the whole marathon!