So here it is - our final challenge to you of this lockdown.
This weekend, your challenge is to get out and either run 5kms, cycle 15kms or swim 500m. If you join our Strava club and sign up for this challenge, you will be entered in to our prize draw to win our third and final prize of a 50 CHF voucher for SB Sports Click the picture below for more details and good luck - enjoy the freedom and the wind (or water) in your hair!)
This is how the athletics department do zoom calls! We had some fun with fit in 5 challenges over the Spring break (remember that?) Here are 2 great replies for you to follow! Sore muscles after the last 2 day's exertions? Here are Coaches Jack and Veronika to help you unwind. Here's Coach Guillermo with a masterclass. If you think you have it sussed, Coach Jamie has a challenge for you! With school getting closer and closer to normal, this will be the last week of this blog. Let's finish with some of our favourites from the months that have gone by since we started. Has lockdown been good to you? Time to find out .... There is a super cool event this weekend - let's see how many Kms CDL can run to add to the goal of one million being run across Switzerland! Click on the logo to sign up and join the CDL team. You have all weekend to do this. You will find all of the info you need on their website. It looks like the best way to track your kms is to use the Datasport app, the links are below.
If you run in France you may need to manually upload how many kms you ran as it is all supposed to be done in Switzerland. Have you used Strava yet?
It's a great way to keep track of your runs or cycles and check to see if you are improving. Join our club and take it for a run today - next weekend there will be prizes to be won! It's just dance day - time for some once you've warmed up with some martial arts you will be ready to visit the land of 100 dances - enjoy!! Here's coach Veronika with a plank challenge for you today! The question is - can you keep up with a gymnast? Once again it's time to "Sworkout" more than you did last weekend - how long can you keep up this winning streak?
It's a family affair, here are coach Guillermo's cousins with some super-cool challenges for you! Time for this week's dancing! Try them both then decide if the old ones really are the best! Here's a fun game to play on your own or with a partner. Can you get through a whole deck of cards?
If you are more than one, take turns turning over a card and doing the exercise (eg. 10 jumping jacks for the 10 of hearts). If you turn over a picture card (Jack, Queen, King, Ace), you can nominate another player to do an exercise of your choice. If you are on your own, you can take a break when you turn over a picture card (you will have earned it!) Grade 6's at school, your teacher can click the link and turn over the virtual cards for you. Find a partner and number yourself 1 & 2 Warm up by spelling your name. Grade 6's in school can pair up and send each other messages across Olympus. If you are at home, send a message to a family member and have them reply! Any rude words are punishable by an entire alphabet ;) This really did happen in the 80's - Dance along and be thankful that you were born when you were! You should be an expert by now. We will let you choose 1,2,3 or more songs! Here's a great place to start: You know them... follow their instructions! You're not tired? Do it again! These workouts were created for our Primary students - they would much prefer you to be their coach.
Optional: HELP OUR COMMUNITY. Our primary superstar students need superstar coaches to match! If you would like to share your workout with them, film yourself doing a "FIT IN 5" workout like the examples then click here to upload it. At times like these, it's great to work together as a community; our primary students would be delighted to see you! Looking for ideas for your workout? Sworkit is the perfect resource; here's that link for free access again - THANK YOU! How many push ups can you do in the time it takes to play your favourite song? You can take as many breaks as you like.
Don't have a favourite song? How about this? Use a book or your iPad. How many tricks can you do? |
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