How long can you hold a plank before taking Coach Guillermo's challenge? Try it more than once; as Gary Player said, "the more I practice, the luckier I get!"
Here's an example of what our primary students are doing. These videos are called "Fit in 5" and we plan to come up with a series of them. Try this one then play it again but ignore Coach Jamie (just like most of his students do) and make up your own moves! Would you like to star in a Fit in 5 video? You can upload yours on the website under "Help us"; our primary students would be delighted to see you!
OK, it's a real toughie today.
This is not here to dishearten you, it is here to impress you. What a great ambassador for women's sport Vicky Fleetwood is, read more about her by clicking here. We have listed the exercises below and offered alternatives if you can't manage them. When you need the box, your sofa is probably a good height. By my maths, 30 seconds of each would be a 6 minute workout - 2 reps would be 12; that's not too much to ask is it? Single leg hip thruster (use both legs) Scrum shape with arm extension (put your knees on the ground) Elevated lateral squat (normal squat with 2 legs) Double leg rowers (lie on your back, lift your feet 10cm and hold) High knee toe taps (use something lower like a football or can of soup) Press up with rotation (do these, but with your knees on the ground) Copenhagen (lie on your side and lift your top leg) Knee to elbow (do it with your feet on the ground) Single leg squat (back to your double leg squat) Pike press up (back to your knee push ups) Bulgarian split squat (lunges) Dips (it's the last one - give it a go!) It's time to Just Dance again. For an extra credit, sing along at full volume! Remember those jumping jacks to your favourite song? This time it's burpees (touch your chest on the ground, get up and jump, repeat) Take as many breaks as you like. Superman by Black Lace isn't your favourite song? How about this one? Ready for more Darebee?
Maybe you're already hooked on it? Click here to choose another of their other workouts and try at least 2 reps. Use the filter to get one that's just right for you. While you are there, check out their "Challenges"; they are an excellent way to make small changes towards an even healthier lifestyle. OK, You've earned a bit of light relief after yesterday's epic effort. Did you know that the 1980's really did get this bad? Remember that squat stare challenge? That was just the warm up! How long can you keep up with the Captain P? Note the number when (if?) you drop out. How many jumping jacks can you do in the time it takes to play your favourite song?
Take as many breaks as you like. Don't have a favourite song? Click here for an idea! Best of 3 Squat Stare Challenge.
Hold the squat position (knees at 90 degrees) facing a friend. Have a staring contest, the first to blink, smile or come out of the squat loses. On your own? A mirror will do just fine! The winner picks an exercise for you both to complete. Repeat 3 times. Click here, select a workout and complete one rep (all of the exercises once).
It's time to dance the YMCA. Pick a character and copy their moves! |
Hello CDL Community
This is your place to find your physical challenge for the day. These are a fun way to break up your work and keep yourself healthy and happy. Remember to visit the spreadsheet to give yourself the credit! Enjoy! Archives |